Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lest We Forget

I don't want to sound like I'm anti-American, because I'm not. A lot of brave people died today 11 years ago. They weren't concerned with getting revenge. They weren't filled with hate and contempt for the people who had done this, at least not at that moment. The only thing that mattered was saving lives, some of them complete strangers. So yes, let's remember them.

But let's also remember the
quiet heroes. The mothers who spent their entire lives doing what was best for their children, not caring what degrading labels they were branded with. The single fathers who were often overlooked because as we all know, men are supposed to be tough. And even the pets who died or maimed themselves to protect their masters.

Remember, lest we forget, that what makes us alive is more than flesh and blood.

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